Saturday, December 10, 2011

Its almost Christmas

As usual by this time of year, just a couple weeks until Christmas and I still have all the Christmas shopping to do... busy, busy, busy. And no money to do it with. The season for giving leaves me with nothing to give. But there's got to be something....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Is Marriage really necessary? I mean, think about it... Guys don't want to get tied down with one girl and will eventually go off and have an affair with another anyway. And girls don't want to be tied down to a dull unappreciative man. So how do we combat this?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Today is Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day. Today is also Teacher Work Day for Palm Beach County School District. It is also 11/11/11. To me I don't think much of the date, it's just another day, though it is neat to write, but it's still just another date. But as for Veteran's Day it is a special kind of day. I am grateful for what the men and women of the military do everyday. They risk their lives for us to keep our freedom. Men and women right here within our communities fight for our lives also. Like the police officers and fire fighters and Lawyers and Doctors. I'm not saying that a military personnel person is less important but aren't these other job professions important, too? I know there is a day to celebrate someone that saved or spared your life so today is about the veterans that served in the military. Go Vets!! So when you see someone holding a sign at the corner saying they were a Vietnam Vet don't forget to give your dollar. (Aren't they all from the Vietnam war, even the ones that are too young to have served at that time?)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time for shots

Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is a great place to take you're pet to get their shots. It's just unfortunate to see so many animals still at the facility and that not enough people take care of their pets.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The sanitation truck is full of crap just like our politicians.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's the "gold" at the end of the rainbow.

Lovely. I may not agree with all the happenings within the district, but there are a lot of good people trying to do what is right by kids even if their paychecks are insufficient.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Older men

God was not nice to older men. They lack imagination and stamina.

Monday, July 25, 2011

This cat

What would this pussy have eaten that would have left her sloppy?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Looking in all the wrong places?

"I am not just looking for love, looking to make love last". I don't remember the song that I heard that phrase but it's perfect.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mow, mow, mow

I hate to mow the yard, but I can't complain too much. With the drought we have had it's been at least a month since it got mowed. And now it's rained almost everyday. Rain, glorious rain. We need it!!!    :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Looking in all the (right?) places for love... will I ever find the ONE?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Heard from her

It was so nice to hear from my oldest just the other night. Been thinking about it ever since.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day fun!!!

I had a great day. We went to Pompano and met with many other family members. Hope you had a good day too!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Volunteering AND White Belts!!!

Casey and Randy volunteered at the Easter Egg hunt. (What they won't do to get candy!)
They don't fully know how so very proud of Casey I am for her to take the initiative to volunteer her time like this. It means a lot to the younger kids.

It was a surprise to me, and to them, too apparently that the boys received their white belts today. I'm very proud of them. I hope this encourages them to continue. At least for the self-discipline it teaches.

Big smiles!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Kids at the zoo

Which one's worse? Taking the kids to the zoo or taking the zoo to the zoo?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Before and after haircut

Casey got her haircut. It's the first time I ever took her to get it professionally cut, though her father managed to get her there once before. I generally cut her hair and while we were at it Casey wanted it straightened so we did. Check out the before and after pics.
BEFORE (I love those curls)

AFTER (who's this pretty girl? hehehe)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shouldn't we all?

The best laugh is the one that you laugh so hard your side hurts.
I love to watch my kids laugh. Rolling on the floor laughing so hard.
Never mind that seconds before they were wrestling before they landed in a heap on the floor. (Yes, with his camera in his hand they were wrestling). Crazy kids. But I love them all so much.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Did you see the moon tonight?

Coming back from the boys' karate class I noticed the moon, not quite full but the colorful ring around the moon was awesome. I wonder what causes it.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Walked at the park today

Nothing new walking at the park, I mean. But what was new was what I found. I've gotten some pretty cool pictures before, but it was great to step out of the van and ask God to show me a Damselfly so I could take its picture. On the last several walks through the parks I'd seen them, but was unable to photograph them. But today, within maybe a 100 feet I saw two of them flying around a tree.

Then a little bit later I saw two that very much look like they are mating. AND I got to see a black and red striped snake swimming TOWARD me in the water. I've never seen one of those in the wild before.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Randy had lost his top for his "Gi" so after I finally got him a new one I got him back into karate classes. He will be back up to speed in no time. :)
Stretching exercises
I don't have much to say right now since I'm really tired.

Stretching exercises
I've got some more pictures that I want to post but that will be a different day and a different posting.

Stretching exercises
I'm so glad the boys went to Karate tonight. It looks like they're both enjoying it.

Stretching exercises
Considering Randy tried so many times this week to stay home and/or to have me pick him up from school he's looking/acting pretty well.
Practicing stances
I don't want to see either of them sick. And it better stay that way.

 Randy and Timmy have a field trip coming up to Busch Gardens. Won't that be fun?

practice, practice, practice
Please enjoy these photos. I don't have anything else at the moment to add.
Getting it right
I'm sure I could think of something, but why should I? You can view the pictures without my input
Is it easier with the adults?

They are going around in a circle 

When the music stops they have to be in a stance

And they have to name the stance 

name it correctly

Or they are out and sit in the middle

These are the leaders

Running home

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wow! What a blast of wind!!!

All that wind rocked the bus back and forth. I thought the wind might flip a bus. I'm glad that it was short-lived.

Well, no bus flipped... at least not that I know of. But it was such strange weather. Hmmmm....
Look at how fast the storm and wind moved in and dissipated.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Adventure...and danger, now you're talking.

A broken, forgotten boardwalk
I never knew this trail existed, at least not inside John Prince Park. Wow.

It doesn't look safe, right? And we shouldn't walk on it, right? So then that must be why we climbed up and followed it for a ways.  This was an exciting day!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Racoons that prey.... I mean, pray?

Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the world so sweet, 
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for every thing.