Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Look for me on Facebook

You can follow me on facebook. ( I haven't taken as many photos recently but I have been drawing again. I'm even going back to college to get my degree in art.

Look for me on facebook and YouTube and pinterest (this one is new for me) and Google+. I gotta go. Falling  asleep. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so let me leave you tonight and wish you all well. See you soon. Don't ear too much turkey .

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Some of my drawings

This one is a drawing I did on my phone. What do you think?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I miss him

I miss him since he dumped me. Even though I see how things are better, and I see how I can live without him I still miss him. I miss the man in him I thought he was. He made me laugh. But when I look back at what made me laugh I can't find what was so funny. He treated me well, took me out, but when I look back I see the 30+ pounds I packed on because of it and the raised cholesterol and blood pressure because of it. For all the things I thought were so great I look back now and wonder ...were they?

Here's to getting over and getting on without him.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Charcoal drawing

This is a picture of my friend, Raul, and his little dog, that I'm working on. To see more artwork that I've done please check out my Facebook page, too.