Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Install and Program Bell Wireless Cyclocomputer with Calorie Counter

As you can see by the pictures I scanned the instruction book. I looked online at but that manual is for a different cyclocomputer and not very informative. I'm not sure if scanning these pages is a violation of some copyright law or not but I needed a way to remember all the details and not lose the little book.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Driving in WPB: Welcome to the world of idiots

It was early this morning, still dark out,  and I was heading to work. I turned left just after a taxi made his right. The taxi stayed in the right lane, and I went into the left lane. Expecting that maybe the taxi driver would be darting around the gas truck/semi stopped in the right lane with it's four way emergency flashers on I paused, but the taxi driver moved into his lane more. So I accelerated to pass. At that precise moment the gas truck, with it's four ways on, made a u-turn from the far right lane,  cutting me off. I slammed on the brakes but the only way to avoid hitting him, because he had completely blocked the whole road,  was to sharply turn left, making the quickest u-y I've ever made. Now I drive a snub nose van so when I say I came close to being hit I mean I came real close.

God had to have had a whole army of angels surrounding me to have kept me safe. I feel so lucky. I say that calmly now but after making that u-turn I pulled over to get composure of myself. I was real shaken up. You would have been, too,  if it had been you.

There are so many idiots on the road. I wonder if they find their license in a box of Cracker Jacks... Now let the young people try to figure out what I mean because Cracker Jacks only puts temporary tattoos or joke cards about the size of a half dollar in the boxes... Oh, great, I did it again. Nobody uses half dollars any more.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My new leaf keeps blowing in the wind

I am turning over that new leaf, but I keep having to turn it over again and again. My diet is not going so well yet, but at least I got this app on my phone called Hopefully it will help me keep on track, too.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Today I will turn a leaf

Today I turn another year older. And yesterday I weighed myself. Grr, not good. The day before that I went to put on some Jean shorts I haven't worn in about two weeks and couldn't fit them. Very frustrating to find other things I can't fit, too.

So today I'm turning a leaf. I might have to turn a whole lot of leaves to change my ways, especially since I've put on the 25 pounds in the same amount of months as it took last year to take it off. I'm going to need motivation and support.

Step one: get moving.
( I accomplished that today, walked so much that I rubbed a giant hole in the area where my thighs rub in my sweat pants, Grr)

Step two: eat healthier
(failed that so far today, I'll try again tomorrow)

Step three: drink more water, less soda
(um...ok. Maybe I'll get this one done, especially since the soda is giving me indigestion)

Oh, and I better add this step, step four: walking, good; walking to Dunkin Donuts, bad

If you think of any important advice pertinent too this subject please let me know.